the sports gene chapter 2
A Summary of ‘Windfall: The Booming Business of Global Warming’ by Mckenzie Funk, New Podcast: A Discussion of ‘The Second Machine Age: Work, Progress, and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies’ by Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee, b. Skeletal Structure in the NBA (the Power of Wingspan), b. 2031). Cultural Practices and Values in Kenya and Ethiopia, 13. Increasing Aerobic Capacity through Exercise (and Altitude), PART II: WHY DISTANCE RUNNERS ARE FROM EAST AFRICA AND SPRINTERS ARE FROM WEST AFRICA, 10. If sport is a passion, The Sports Gene is required reading. Why So Many Elite Sprinters Have Origins in West Africa. Height and Skeletal Structure (and an Introduction to Heritability and Genetics), 1. Muscle Mass and Strength Increase through Weight Training, b. Height and Skeletal Structure in the NBA, 4. The Times Steven Kotler is a New York Times-bestselling author, an award-winning journalist and the Executive Director of the Flow Research Collective. Nature and Nurture in Height and Skeletal Structure, 2. Like muscle, bone responds to exercise. The Sport Gene - Chapter 11 Malaria and Muscle Fibers Morrison and Cooper 2006 - West Indian Medical Journal Malaria responsible for genetic and metabolic alterations beneficial for sprinting Body Type Study of 1968 Olympians Hypothesis Malaria forced rapid growth of … Sciences (deals in category at right), #41. A Summary of ‘Social Physics: How Good Ideas Spread—The Lessons from a New Science’ by Alex Pentland, New Podcast: A Discussion of ‘Windfall: The Booming Business of Global Warming’ by Mckenzie Funk, #52. However, some people are naturally gifted athletes who can pick up a sport much more easily than the average person. He started training from a very young age and follows a very specific training plan which has led him to success in the sport. Specifically, that we may need to be blessed with a particular body type to excel at a particular sport or discipline (after all, elite marathon runners tend to look far different than elite NFL running backs, who in turn tend to look far different than elite swimmers), but that beyond this it is practice and diligence that paves the way to success. Finding all the height genes will take much larger and more complex studies than scientists presumed a decade ago [when the human genome was first sequenced]” (loc. Epstein has summarized the research current when he wrote the book and explained it in a way that is thoroughly accessible. A Summary of ‘Capital in the Twenty-First Century’ by Thomas Piketty, New Podcast: A Discussion of ‘The Future of the Mind: The Scientific Quest to Understand, Enhance, and Empower the Mind’ by Michio Kaku, #54. I don’t believe that the 10,000 hour rule is relevant to all sports or to all people. 3 likes. Now a New York Times Bestseller! 18–37). The Sports Gene is also dotted with funny, clever turns of phrase. What does it take to become an elite athlete? Go to the UD twitter page (external link)>, Go to the UD facebook page (external link)>, Go to the UD instagram page (external link)>, Go to the UD youtube page (external link)>, Go to the UD pintrest page (external link)>, Go to the UD linkedin page (external link)>, How Garmin Watch Heart Rate Monitors Work. 6'6 Epstein, David. The Score. You also can read online The Sports Gene and write the review about the book. Access a free summary of The Sports Gene, by David Epstein and 20,000 other business, leadership and nonfiction books on getAbstract. This week’s chapter of The Sports Gene focused on the “10,000 hours rule”, or the idea that a person can become an elite athlete by deliberately practicing their sport over thousands of hours. The Sports Gene - Chapter 2; The Sports Gene - Chapter 1: Beat by an Underhand Girl; Deliberate Practice. Like “The bottom line is that not only are NBA players outlandishly tall, they are also preposterously long, even relative to their stature. Comparatively, the book looked at another high jumper, Donald Thomas, who picked up the sport later in life and was not as trained in the technicalities of high jumping. And the elbow joint widened a centimeter. THE SIMILARITIES BETWEEN HIGH PERFORMERS in BUSINESS and ATHLETICS. Summary: Chapter 2. To begin with, when it comes to physiology, we find that genetics not only has a large role to play in influencing our height and skeletal structure (as we would expect), but that genes also influence physiology in many other ways that are important when it comes to elite sports. Even nonathletes tend to have more bone in the arm they write with simply because they use it more, so the bone becomes stronger and capable of supporting more muscle. The Sport Gene. Nature and Nurture in Height and Skeletal Structure The Equator (and the Nilotic Body Type). When we look at the science, though—as sports writer David Epstein does in his new book The Sports Gene: Inside the Science of Extraordinary Athletic Performance—we find that the story is much more complicated than this. The Sports Gene – Chapter 2 A Tale of Two High-Jumpers (Or: 10,000 Hours Plus or Minus 10,000 Hours) Making a reference to “the magic number of greatness”, author, Malcolm Gladwell has made famous the suggestion that 10,000 hours of guided practice makes an expert. This information about The Sports Gene shown above was first featured in "The BookBrowse Review" - BookBrowse's membership magazine, and in our weekly "Publishing This Week" newsletter. ‘It’s just amazing how the bone can adapt to repeated stress,” Holway says. 2015). *For prospective buyers: To get a good indication of how this (and other) articles look before purchasing, I’ve made several of my past articles available for free. Each of my articles follows the same form and is similar in length (15-20 pages). Exclusive website analysis on football and basketball with the dissertation research of Ernest S. Silva II. Read 887 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Your email address will not be published. Studies that compare the heights of individuals and their genes have found an enormous number of genes that seem to contribute to height, but researchers are still far from identifying all of the genes at play here. And speaking of pain, our genes even influence how easily we injure and how well we recover from our injuries—which, once again, has a significant impact on performance. The racket-side forearm bones of the players grew around a quarter-inch longer than the forearm bone of the nonracket arm. Fast-Twitch and Slow-Twitch Muscle Fibers, 9. Required fields are marked *, Science & Math (deals in category at right), Politics & Soc. David Epstein's "The Sports Gene: Inside the Science of Extraordinary Athletic Performance" (2013) gave me an explanation both for why the training was so effective for me (I am a quick responder); why I had and still have endurance; and why - although I cut my two mile time by 32% - the only time I would ever see my astounding teammate (who is still a top ranked Ultra … The Sports Gene does not try to simplify the nature vs nurture argument, but it does provide a welcome corrective to those who have underplayed the notion that genetic make-up is relevant. The Sports Gene takes a look at the physiological traits that are beneficial in various sports, and at their hereditary background. Just compare yourself with your parents and/or children, and chances are the apple hasn’t fallen too far from the tree. And over and above this, genes also influence how much we experience pain, such that even among those who experience the same desire to push themselves (both in training and in competition), one may find it much easier to handle the pain involved than the other—which, of course, can have a big impact on results. Required fields are marked *. See more about: book reviews, books, books & dvds. A Summary of ‘Inheritance: How Our Genes Change Our Lives–and Our Lives Change Our Genes’ by Sharon Moalem, #56. Highly entertaining and enlightening. He is the author of nine bestsellers (out of thirteen books), including The Art of Impossible, The Future is Faster Than You Think, Stealing Fire, The Rise of Superman, … The debate is as old as physical competition. An Introduction to Heritability and Genetics, 3. A fascinating look at high-level performance in sports and why it happens in a wide range of activities. Height and skeletal structure is one area where it is easy to see that genetics plays a dominant role. The Sports Gene book. For genetics not only shapes our physiology, but also how our physiology responds to training (including how much muscle mass and aerobic capacity we are able to build through exercise). Your email address will not be published. As the author explains, “a 2010 study in Nature Genetics needed 3,925 subjects and 294,831 single nucleotide polymorphisms—spots of DNA where a single letter can vary between people—to account for just 45 percent of the variance in height between adults, and that’s the best any study has done. When it comes to the length (and girth) of particular bones in the body, this too is largely determined by genetics (as we would expect). Stay at home, stay fit! In an excellent chapter, Epstein explains why having wingspans greater … Please contact site owner for help. Thanks ! Everyday low … Second, when it comes to training, we find that hard work is not all there is to it. Not that the point of the book is to say that athletic performance is all in our genes. Here is David Epstein discussing his new book: What follows is a full executive summary of The Sports Gene: Inside the Science of Extraordinary Athletic Performance by David Epstein, PART I: PHYSIOLOGY: BONES, MUSCLES AND LUNGS. "A Tale Of Two High Jumpers ". The Sports Gene is available for $15.63 at The Sports Gene covers all that we have learned in the decade since the sequencing of the human genome as to what genetic science can tell us about athleticism. Height and Skeletal Structure (and an Introduction to Heritability and Genetics) 1. Past Articles (Alphabetized by Author’s Name), the science of extraordinary athletic performance, the sports gene: inside the science of extraordinary athletic ability, #57. In my previous post, Review: The Sports Gene (Introduction), I discussed the opening pages of Senior Sports Illustrated writer, David Epstein’, THE SPORTS GENE: INSIDE THE SCIENCE OF EXTRAORDINARY SPORTS PERFORMANCE, how I would publish my views on the book, as it relates to the work that I do … Why So Many Elite Distance Runners Hail from East Africa (Part II): The Kalenjin and the Oromo Tribes (Thin Lower Legs and Cattle-Raiding Ancestors), 12. 2 – A Tale of Two High Jumpers The 10,000 in the 10,000-hour rule, named by Malcolm Gladwell in his book Outliers, refers to the average numbers of hours of deliberate practice required to attain mastery of a subject or sport. Brandon Robshaw, Independent on Sunday. Returning to height now, while the influence of genes on height is well-established, what is not so well established is just what genes are responsible for this. Epstein, D. (n.d.). Skeletal Structure in Long-Distance Running, 5. Mr. Prud’homme, a substitute teacher for the summer session, comes by the next morning to discipline Gene and Finny for missing dinner, but he is soon won over by Finny’s ebullient talkativeness and leaves without assigning a punishment. When Holm’s achilles was studied, they found that it had become so stiff over time that it required quite a bit of force to bend it, making it act as a spring. Section A. Your email address will not be published. The Sport Gene. The Sports Gene Summary shows the remarkable effects of genes on abilities, motivation, and endurance, which make some better at sports than others. For example, we find that people naturally vary widely in all of the following ways: the size of our heart and lungs, and the amount of red blood cells and hemoglobin that pumps through our veins; the specific type of muscle fibers that are most prevalent in our bodies (and the specific number of each); as well as our visual acuity—and again, all of these factors play a significant role in determining just how athletic we will be (and in what sports we will excel). The Sports Gene would have been improved with a stand-alone chapter devoted solely to the political and social elements mentioned above, especially … In short, then, biology plays much more of a role in elite athletic performance that we may have realized. Study Sync, paragraph 2David, Epstein. Or, a Continuation of the Theme, Perfect Practice Makes Perfect; SUCCESS for LIFE. As an added bonus, Epstein not only covers which biological factors have an impact on sports performance, but the evolutionary story behind these biological factors (including why different populations that have adapted to different environments have come to acquire traits that make them well-disposed to different sports and disciplines [for example, why many elite marathoners have origins in East Africa, many elite sprinters have origins in West Africa, and many elite swimmers and weight-lifters have origins in Europe]). What follows is a full executive summary of The Sports Gene: Inside the Science of Extraordinary Athletic Performance by David Epstein. He is one of the world’s leading experts on human performance. In most cases, the reviews are necessarily limited to those that were available to us ahead of publication. Chapter 2. His chapter by chapter list of notes and citations is 33 pages long which I appreciate. EMLA Citation:Epstein, David. Photo 2 courtesy of Shutterstock. The Sports Gene “I can’t remember a book that has fascinated, educated—and provoked—me as much as The Sports Gene.Epstein has changed forever the way we measure elite athletes and their achievements.” —Malcolm Gladwell, bestselling author of Blink and Outliers. The Gene-Free Model of Expertise. Really good article, i like it and love to read it too much that share me the best info. One of the distinguishing characteristics of the athletes that is interesting is the achilles tendon in each of them. In general terms we find that nature and nurture interact at every step of the way in the development of an elite athlete, and that biology plays far more of a role (and in far more ways) than we may have expected. A Summary of ‘Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt’ by Michael Lewis, #55. This form is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Why So Many Elite Distance Runners Hail from East Africa (Part I): Altitude and Latitude, 11. The Sports Gene Chapter 2 Reflection: 10,000 Hours Rule Posted on March 6, 2020 by madiknox Make-up blog for 3/3/20 This week’s chapter of The Sports Gene focused on the “10,000 hours rule”, or the idea that a person can become an elite athlete by deliberately practicing their sport over thousands of hours. Those tennis pros literally served and volleyed their ways to longer forearms” (loc. As Epstein explains, “repeatedly, studies of families and twins find the heritability of height to be about 80 percent. Just the contrary, as mentioned above the book makes the point that genes always interact with the environment to produce athletic outcomes. McLaughlin appears in The Sports Gene, a new book by David Epstein, a senior writer at Sports Illustrated. For example, the exercise and nutrition researcher Francis Holway “measured the forearms of a group of tennis players ranked in the top twenty in the world and found that their racket arms grew slightly differently from their nonracket arms. He was obviously very dedicated to the sport and putting in the deliberate practice is what helped him become successful. The main example that was looked at was the case of high jumper, Stefan Holm, who is one of the top high jumpers in the world despite the disadvantage of having a shorter height. Still, the degree to which bones can be lengthened (or strengthened) through exercise and training is fairly limited. For it turns out that we differ widely in just how naturally disposed we are to push ourselves. Spam protection has stopped this request. Download Full The Sports Gene Book in PDF, EPUB, Mobi and All Ebook Format. David Epstein, Senior Writer for Sports Illustrated, addresses questions about nature and nurture in the context of athletic success in his compelling new book, The Sports Gene. That means that 80 percent of the difference in height between people in the group that is being studied is attributable to genetics, and around 20 percent to the environment” (loc. SPEDIZIONE GRATUITA su ordini idonei Buy The Sports Gene: Talent, Practice and the Truth About Success by Epstein, David (ISBN: 0884207664056) from Amazon's Book Store. The fact is that we naturally vary widely in just how much we respond to exercise (to the point where some of us improve dramatically through exercise, whereas others of us respond hardly at all). In search of sports genes: Beat by an underhand girl: the gene-free model of expertise: A tale of two high jumpers (or: 10,000 hours plus or minus 10,000 hours) Major league vision and the greatest child athlete sample ever: the hardware and software paradigm: Why men have nipples: The talent of trainability As it turns out, some of the traits that appear innate–like the bullet-fast reactions of a Major League Baseball hitter–are learned, while others that seem to be entirely acts of will, like the … It is interesting to see how different characteristics of the achilles are beneficial for the same sport and that they are acquired in different ways. It also examines why people in certain parts of the world have evolved in their particular way, and how this is beneficial in the realm of certain sports. 1850). It is a review of Senior Sports Illustrated writer, David Epstein', THE SPORTS GENE: INSIDE THE SCIENCE OF EXTRAORDINARY ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE.… Thank you, your email will be added to the mailing list once you click on the link in the confirmation email. If you are the publisher or author and feel that the reviews shown do not … ― David Epstein, The Sports Gene: Inside the Science of Extraordinary Athletic Performance. Your email address will not be published. Genes are essential in shaping the athlete, but just as essential is the athlete’s upbringing and culture, and that they do in fact get the training that is needed to make the most of their natural talents. A Summary of ‘The Future of the Mind: The Scientific Quest to Understand, Enhance, and Empower the Mind’ by Michio Kaku, New Podcast: A Discussion of ‘Social Physics: How Good Ideas Spread: The Lessons from a New Science’ by Alex Pentland, #53. 2015). The free articles are available here: Free Articles. tags: elite-athletes, genes, genetics, sports. PART I: PHYSIOLOGY: BONES, MUSCLES AND LUNGS. And while we may wish to take credit for just how hard we train, here too genetics is found to play a role. The Sports Gene is a novel that explores the meaning of athleticism and the different factors that play into whether one is or is not athletic. A Summary of ‘The Sports Gene: Inside the Science of Extraordinary Athletic Performance’ by David Epstein. Topic: Reviews. The intuitive answer for most of us is that it probably takes some lucky genes on the one hand, and a whole heck of a lot of hard work on the other. In The Sports Gene (pp. Skeletal Structure in Sprinting and Swimming (and Other Sports), 7. And we also respond differently to different training regimens (to the point where a training regime that works well for one person may in fact harm another). For a 2007 study done for chess masters, it was found that 11,000 hours were required on average to become an ELO master. … Check out these simple workouts and fun exercises that can be done at-home with makeshift or no equipment at all. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This is a characteristic that was developed over time with training. 12 talking about this. Thomas, on the other hand had a very long achilles relative to his height which is something that cannot be developed over time. Compra Study Guide: The Sports Gene by David Epstein (SuperSummary). Study Sync, paragraph 17 ‘The Sports Gene: Inside the Science of Extraordinary Athletic Performance’ by David Epstein (Current Hardcover; August 1, 2013), PART I: PHYSIOLOGY: BONES, MUSCLES AND CARDIO, Section A. In the case of Holm, it probably did apply to him due to him not being naturally built like most professional high jumpers. Inside The Science Of Extraordinary Sports Performance, By David Epstein Sports Illustrated Senior Writer Born This Way is the title of a Globe and Mail August 3rd story featured in its Globe Books section. However, it is interesting to note that both the length and girth of bones can be modified through training. Study Sync, 2019, Chapter 2, paragraph 2 Wow on your first try. The goal of this book is to analyze the Nature vs. Nurture concept to truly find out the source of athleticism, through various systems and methods this book provides information that hints at several sources to what we know as an "athletic" … If you want to get scientific, though, it has been shown that about 80% of the variability in height in industrialized nations, for example, may be attributed to genes (loc. Red Blood Cell and Hemoglobin Volume (and More Blood Doping), b.
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