portals opening around the world
I have what appears to be a very harmless portal in my home. It’s as if someone lost it while coming down the stairs or going out the back door, or they threw it. She was terrified and didn’t want to sleep in there again. One of the kids was under the table hiding. The portals that NASA has discovered are usually located tens of thousands of kilometres from Earth and most of them are short-lived; others are giant, vast and sustained. Years later, someone on Montel Williams talking to Sylvia Browne described the SAME man! How is it connected with where you are now?…………….. or for him to be a portal with a switch ? So my question to you is… Is there (if any) a difference between a “portal” and a “gateway” ? what do you repeat over and over ? Telegram This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Dimensional doorways are opened as is often seen in UFO encounters that stop time. The basement on the other hand, the creepiness may be residual energy hanging around, or it may be that there is indeed a portal down there. It was last September (2017) I was out walking my dog, it was around 1am we were coming back into our street, a cul-de-sac, with grass either side of road and trees on either side of road giving a tunnel effect in the summer months when leaves are on the trees. We raise our frequencies to the higher dimensional worlds as the Earth is also raising hers to become a fifth dimensional planet. This is a meditation to do at a place that feels energizing or special to you. How is this place connected to you? From the edge of our bed, she often gets upset watching something on the floor coming in and out of the bedroom door. Once in a while I see a faint shadow figure in the room. In the late 70,s early 80’s I was in India up in the Himalayas at an active Golden Disc. There are also new portals being made very active as we are now aligned to the Second Sun and the Galactic Center such as at Rainbow Beach Queensland and Lake Waikaremona in New Zealand. Learn how your comment data is processed. The parts that went back and forth between the extra-dimensional world and our world were really great. He remained barely conscious. A portal is a gateway. If visiting in a conscious way of honoring and surrendering, with a willingness to change and open up to higher Light codings, then you will experience a transformation. It is spans from my bedroom closet out into the upstairs set of stairs which faces a hallway. There is no evidence that Ranmasu Uyana contains a stargate, and archeologists are calling it absurd because these engravings might simply be an early map of the world. I plan to employ the suggestions you outlined but wondered if you had any further insight. My aunt was also staying there. Physical forms will rarely, if ever travel through a common portal. Uluru is also a major focus for planetary healing and a portal that links all the Grids, it is the sort of place that calls you. The Crystalline Grid keeps harmony within the Earth plane and at the portals links the Earth to the Stars and Universe to have harmony with our neighbors in space. One night while trying to sleep, my sister saw the closet door of the double bedroom open up on its own, and two little girls came out. "BLACK SMOKE PORTALS" OPENING IN SKIES ALL OVER THE WORLD (2015) April 7, 2015. I was so scared that I turned around, closed the door and got back in bed, covered up tightly, blanket over my head, and waited until everyone else was up before I got back up. She was held down and choked by an entity that, to her, felt like a man. It is very common for non physical entities to travel back and forth through these portals, but uncommon for you to be able to travel through them. This was a very tricky situation as tourist were not allowed to go there due to the war going on, but I knew I had to, all my Kashmiri friends were convinced I would be killed or taken, but of course I got there against the odds with ease as I was supported fully with this mission in the higher dimensional worlds. If you answered ‘yes’ to any of those questions, you probably have a portal in your home. Bernadette, Love your blog! I saw a light portal open over my stairs I was in my bed facing this area. It is not uncommon to have a portal of some type in your home; even if the home is new. Occasionally, vortices can become Portals. Readings (Tarot): Moved To Serve You Better, Ad Stealing: “Loulo” Stole My Ad Kijiji.Ca. A MYSTERIOUS floating city was allegedly snapped in the skies reigniting claims a portal from another dimension may be opening above Earth. Some portals are doorways to Light Cities and on the Wesak Full Moon May 2000 I was called to Mukinath 5,000 meters high in the Himalayas in Nepal bordering Tibet, as the Shambala energy came into the planet, this was a doorway for this to anchor on the earth plane. When on any of these missions it can only succeed when done in alignment with Divine Will, allowing and in total connection to Source and the Guardians of these places, Councils of Light and all others involved on all levels. When I asked the Holy Spirit what it was, He eventually said the enemy was spying on people, trying to see who to kidnap. Not saying that’s what’s happening in your closet, but it seems there is a strong link to somewhere there. It is not necessary to visit any of these places, but often you may be drawn there in a Soul Travel or in dream state. In first density you have the physical Crystals and mineral kingdom, these same minerals are within our bodies and the Universe. At that time everyone was their Divinity, but still in more Etheric bodies, we are now doing this again, but this time in full physical bodies, and so able to complete our sacred mission, the marriage of Heaven and Earth through our body, our Body of Light. But in our modern era, some people have even gone so far as to identify which areas on the face of the earth are currently hiding actual portals, stargates or passageways which grant mortal men access to worlds and dimensions beyond our own. I used that word because either it was trying to walk or drop or something. Re: Portals opening around the world? If you dowse you can check it out to see if it is a doorway, and if so which way the energies run, and where it is connected to on the grid.
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