mental accounting marketing
Financial Instruments with Sports Betting Components: Marketing Gimmick or a Domain for Behavioral Finance? A more detailed look at the processes triggered by temporally reframed prices, Cross‐cultural equivalence of price perceptions across American, Chinese, and Japanese consumers. Customer choice between electronic and traditional markets: an economic analysis, Fairness and Discounts: The Subjective Value of a Bargain, Coexistence of Disposition Investors and Momentum Traders in Stock Markets: Experimental Evidence, Anchoring Effects on Consumers' Willingness-to-Pay and Willingness-to-Accept, Portfolio Choice and Risk Attitudes: An Experiment, Heuristics and Biases in Thinking about Tax, Information Asymmetry, Price Momentum, and the Disposition Effect, Is Share Price Related to Marketability? Tricks such as offering “bonus” gifts, or pushing “extras” on top of big purchases… * This paper is based upon the discussions in the Session on … Pay-What-You-Want Pricing: Can It Be Profitable? Mental accounting theory (MAT), proposed by Thaler (1985), is defined as the set of individuals' cognitive operations to categorize, organize and evaluate the consequences of … Do Investors in Structured Products Act Rationally? We propose a “double-entry” mental accounting theory that describes the nature of these reciprocal interactions between the pleasure of consumption and the pain of paying and draws out their implications for consumer behavior and hedonics. Competition between multiproduct airports, Tariff increases over the electoral cycle: A question of size and salience, How social comparison influences reference price formation in a service context, Gift Cards and Gifted Cash: The Impact of Fit between Gift Type and Message Construal, Conceptual Model and Economic Experiments to Explain Nonpersistence and Enable Mechanism Designs Fostering Behavioral Change, The Effect of Decentralized Behavioral Decision Making on System-Level Risk, Hotel discount strategies on consumer responses: the role of involvement, Some Individual Differences Influencing the Propensity to Happiness: Insights from Behavioral Economics, Optimal strategy of multi-product retailers with relative thinking and reference prices. Mental accounting is defined as the set of cognitive operations used by individuals and households to organize, evaluate, and keep track of financial activities (Thaler, 1999). Are Sale Signs Less Effective When More Products Have Them? Effects of grants on local public spending and income taxes, How Does Pricing Affect Customer Attrition? Mental Accounting & Marketing Mix. Does Prospect Theory Explain IPO Market Behavior? under the moderators of rarity and mental accounting in marketing practices. Instead, they have separate … Tithing Donations and Self-Serving Beliefs, Commercial Use of UPC Scanner Data: Industry and Academic Perspectives, Industrial Pricing: Theory and Managerial Practice, Explanations of effects of prior income changes on buying decisions, A Model of Customer Satisfaction with Service Encounters Involving Failure and Recovery, A Revision and Empirical Test of the Extended Price-Perceived Quality Model, Patterns of Emotional Responses and Behavioural Consequences of Dissatisfaction, The effects of price bundling on consumer evaluations of product offerings, Risk aggregation and the efficient selection of joint projects by a consortium, The Availability and Use of Internal Reference Prices in Evaluating Advertised Deals, The Effect of Price History on Demand as Mediated by Perceived Price Expensiveness, Consumer Evaluation of Money as a Gift: A Two-Utility Model and an Empirical Test, Preference structures and their numerical representations. The Courage of Misguided Convictions: The Trading Behavior of Individual Investors, Selling Company Shares to Reluctant Employees: France Telecom's Experience, An exploratory study of service value in the USA and Ecuador, Broadening behavioral decision research: Multiple levels of cognitive processing. Un annlisis de los costes y beneficios del proceso de recapitalizaciin de la banca espaaola (Bankruptcy or Bailout? View 03 Mental Accounting and Consumer Choice from MARKETING 1 at Cambridge. A perspective on judgment and choice: Mapping bounded rationality. Mental Accounting. Measuring reference price perceptions for new product categories: which measure is best? Empirical findings from a web-based contingent valuation study, Using Decoy Effects to Influence an Online Brand Choice: The Role of Price–Quality Trade-Offs, Scope Insensitivity and the “Mere Token” Effect, An Investigation of Financial Consumers' Investment Decision Making and Resultant Welfare Improvement from a Behavioral Decision Making Perspective, The Willingness to Pay—Willingness to Accept Gap, the “Endowment Effect,” Subject Misconceptions, and Experimental Procedures for Eliciting Valuations: Comment, “No More” leads to “Want More,” but “No Less” leads to “Want Less”: Consumers' counterfactual thinking when faced with quantity restriction discounts. Created by financial specialist Richard H. Thaler, it fights that people order individual … Partition Dependence in Decision Analysis, Resource Allocation, and Consumer Choice, Investigations of the Consumer Psychology of Near-Money, Kommunikation betrieblicher Entscheidungssituationen — Eine empirische Analyse der Auswirkungen von Framing, Understanding the ‘Service’ Component of Application Service Provision: An Empirical Analysis of Satisfaction with ASP Services, Verhaltenswissenschaftliche Fundierung der Untersuchung, Verhaltenswissenschaftliche Aspekte im Marketing von Finanzdienstleistungen, Individuelle Zahlungsbereitschaften für Dienstleistungen: Konzeptionelle Grundlagen und EinflussgrösBen, Development of measures to assess customer perceived value in a business-to-business context, Value delivery and value-based pricing in industrial markets, Cognitive biasing effects in information systems: implications for linking real world information with human judgment, Effect of bargaining in electronic commerce, Pricing Model Dynamics in the Chinese Online Game Market. *, Mental Accounting and Disaggregation Based on the Sign and Relative Magnitude of Income Statement Items, Quantifying Downside Risk in Goal-Based Portfolios, To bet or not to bet? An Examination of Anchoring-Induced Bias and Search Costs, Long-Run Effects of Promotion Depth on New Versus Established Customers: Three Field Studies, Using Combined-Currency Prices to Lower Consumers’ Perceived Cost, An Investigation of Perceived Value Dimensions: Implications for Hospitality Research, Effects of Brand, Price, and Risk on Customers' Value Perceptions and Behavioral Intentions in the Restaurant Industry, The Feasible Infeasibility of Activity Scheduling, Selling company shares to reluctant employees: France Telecom's experience, The influence of redundant comparison prices and other price presentation formats on consumers’ evaluations and purchase intentions, Consumer price perceptions after translation to Euro currency, The economic rationale of offering media files in peer-to-peer networks, Truth in Fiction: An Economic Interpretation of the Modern Novel with Case Studies of Lolita, a Bend in the River, and the House of Mirth, Inertia Equity: The Impact of Anchoring Price in Brand Switching, Downsizing Price Increases: A Greater Sensitivity to Price than Quantity in Consumer Markets, Why Use Debit Instead of Credit?
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