inuyasha: naraku war
Smiling face with hornsSparkles Thank you so much @mummynyan @JalenKCassell @BangZoom @VIZMedia for having me! In Japan's ancient past, Kagome joins the half demon Inuyasha on a quest to find the scattered shards of the Shikon Jewel, a gem so powerful that demons from across the land will do anything to get even a piece. Unknown to him, Kikyō later helped Hakushin's soul ascend. However, he later learns in disbelief that Mushin believed he was going to be one of the priests of high spiritual power slain; many others had been killed, leading to the release of yōkai under seals. When the next village revealed that "he" had sold outrageously expensive sutras that turned into leaves, Miroku immediately realized Hachi had been posing as him. Miroku tricked him into revealing he told the yōkai that the village lacked the best slayers at the time, and thus was vulnerable to attack. Miroku and Sango are constantly at odds mostly due to his constant womanizing. Either way, whenever she was upset, Miroku was always by her side. At one point when he is called possessed by the white and red priestesses he states that the hand is possessed by a yōkai. Sango going to find her younger brother Kohaku; Miroku back to his old home; Inuyasha, Kagome and Shippou go to gather the rest of the Shikon shards. Movie Debut All of them are taken off guard when they can actually start to hear the sound of the Wind Tunnel and it's not even open. Sango gave chase, but both pretended not to be him, insisting that the other was Miroku. After encountering the Shichinintai, Miroku came to believe that Naraku was hiding inside of Mount Hakurei as it was the perfect place to recover as most of those after him could not get inside without consequence. He then learned Sango had vanished after going after the women on her own; he found Kirara, completely soaked. Inuyasha: Naraku kept Kagura's heart in his possession at all times as insurance against betrayal. Loyalty Upon hearing from Hachi that Mushin was dying, Miroku and the others visit and fulfill his final requests which was doing all the cleaning chores, even getting a special brew, the Kasumi Sennin from the Sake Sages. Hearing about a village of demon women who skinned their victims, Miroku was delighted to come across a village of women who had lost their loved ones in war. He manipulated some of his earliest creations through threatening to destroy their disembodied hearts should they betray him. From these things he gained clues to deciphering Naraku's actions and deceptions. ... Love Is War. Miroku cares deeply about Mushin; as seen in Episode 135, when he thought Mushin had passed on, he cried in grief. Suddenly all the clumps of flesh began falling down into the darkness with Miroku and Sango following, but Kirara caught them. 1 Also Called 2 Capabilities 3 Applications 4 Levels 5 Associations 6 Known Users 6.1 Cartoons/Comics 6.2 Anime/Manga 6.3 Video Games 6.4 Live Television/Movies 6.5 Literature 6.6 Other 7 Known Objects … Upon meeting a mountain yōkai, it is revealed Naraku stole his Fuyōheki, a stone that hides demonic auras; no doubt it was for hiding the Infant from them and the rest of Naraku's enemies. Gender Soon afterwards, the group heard about the souls of deceased maidens that were being stolen by yōkai. He is sensitive to people's feelings and can be attentive on an individual basis. His paternal grandfather was cursed fifty years ago by Naraku, leading to the creation of the Kazaana, which was destined to be passed down to all of his male descendants, including Miroku himself. 1 Heroes & Skins' Calendar 2 Upcoming Events 2.1 New Event 3 Upcoming Survey 4 Hero Survey 4.1 New Hero 4.2 Revamp/Remodel 5 Item Survey 5.1 Survey for Icon Optimization 5.2 Heroes 5.2.1 New Heroes 5.2.2 Revamped Heroes 5.3 Skins 5.3.1 Reworked Skins 5.3.2 Skin Icons 5.3.3 Painted Skins 5.3.4 Unclassified Skins 5.3.5 Basic Skins 5.3.6 Elite Skins 5.3.7 Starlight Skins 5.3.8 Special Skins … Affections Touching Across Time Being guys, they also understood each other's protective feelings towards the girl they love. Sango managed to cut the ropes tied around her with a hidden blade in her sleeve. Soon afterwards, Miroku collected three more shards of the jewel when he temporarily left the group. However, he cared about Sango and thus left her alone when she was distressed. When he meets someone who is adverse in his advice or questions, he becomes a bad monk, verbally criticizing and becoming violent without hesitation. [4], He has asked scores of women to bear his child and often tried to connect with them heart-to-heart through physical contact. When the fake Water God was destroyed, Miroku sucked its remains into the Wind Tunnel. English VA Learning of a painter who drew the yōkai of Hell as his personal minions, Miroku accompanied his friends to battle the painter and, using his Wind Tunnel, sucked up all the yōkai at the cost of being severely weakened. Sango, Kirara, and Miroku were the ones fighting the yōkai, meaning to protect Kagome and Shippō. For example, Miroku had drunk the poison to prevent him from feeling the pain of sucking in miasma so he could fight with Sango, and had told Inuyasha not to inform the others, especially Sango. During the search for the Fuyōheki, they came across yōkai, patched-together from corpses and animated by haku; these were experiments created by Hakudōshi, to create his masterpiece. Later, they find out Kikyō was alive, but she needed Kagome to purify the miasma in her body. No sooner had he finished his usual line, demon birds descended upon the village and they met Princess Abi, the demon birds' master. Whenever she was depressed and stressed over Kohaku, Miroku was always there to comfort her. Miroku During Sango's recuperation, the group learned of the Shikon Jewel's origin in a cave in the village. Miroku gave sutras to Kagome, tasking her with saving the other women and rode Kirara into the marsh underneath the water. His Buddhist heart is open to everyone. Being a half-demon has its perks, particularly in a world as dangerous as Inuyasha 's, but it can come with its fair share of drawbacks. [3] This curse has been passed down from father to son, and thus eventually to Miroku. Sango was now relieved that he had proven his feelings. Earlier, Miroku had told Sango that he supposes he was "naive" because he thought Sango would know and trust he wouldn't do those things, without him having to tell her. Unfortunately this peace is not to last. The status of his mother is left unknown. Miroku has proven Inuyasha right most of the time. She fled soon after escaping the Wind Scar. Sango found it strange how Kagura and Hakudōshi weren't attacking, and Miroku assumes it's because they must be buying time. Miroku remembers how he planned to risk himself to save her life, and her confessing her feelings, but he tells Shippō that nothing happened. The most common type has 108 beads. Chasing the horse yōkai, which had escaped its seal thanks to the death of the priest who sealed it, they came face to face with Naraku's newest incarnation. As the fight over Kohaku's shard to complete the jewel continued, Miroku found using the Wind Tunnel did not hurt anymore thanks to the Master of Potions' medicine, as the occasion on which sucks obstacles of Byakuya, who served in gaining time to Naraku as he tried to take the fragment of Kohaku. Miroku quickly surmised that the Infant was vital to Naraku. Given an opening and opportunity, he would touch any women's behind. Debut What's more, there are many cases in Miroku's analysis of tactical situation that gave his companions a strategic advantage. Hakudōshi taunted them, revealing where the final shard of the Shikon Jewel lay; in the Borderland between this world and the next. After Inuyasha failed to kill Naraku, Miroku learned of a spider-shaped burn mark on Naraku's back that would serve as his calling card. Enraged at being tricked, the Master of the Lake transformed and prepared to destroy Shima's house. In the end, Naraku vanished back to the World of the Living, along with an arrow from Kikyō that Kagome fired. Later during the night, Miroku's awake. While Miroku's behavior is depicted in the series as odd for a monk, it was not unheard of for some monks to act that way. Kiyko starb und bannte mit ihrer letzten Kraft Inuyasha an einen Baum. Miroku knew she understood his feelings now and playfully chased her around. The monks of, During his early appearances in the manga, his hairstyle strongly resembles that of. He admitted she was a "fearsome opponent" and thought he was going to die. Affiliation Mayoi no Mori no Shōtaijō (犬夜叉〜奈落の罠!迷いの森の招待状, Inuyasha: Naraku's Trap! When everyone else learned what happened to Sango, they scolded him as it was his own fault due to his flirting. Status Miroku (弥(み)勒(ろく), "Maitreya") was a hōshi who traveled with Inuyasha, Kagome, Shippō, and Sango. The arm protectors worn by both Miroku and Sango are called Tekko. Coming across in temple of Master Shinsen that had recently been attacked, the attacker's identity was revealed to be Kagura and the Infant; however, the Infant had been split in half. Hakurei, with him and Sango. He explained his situation to Inuyasha, at the same time revealing the truth of the trap Naraku had successfully sprung upon Kikyō and Inuyasha. Kagome Higurashi is the reincarnation of Miko Kikyo who lived during the feudal era and was the first love interest of Inuyasha, a half-demon known for his unparalleled speed and sword-fighting skills who happens to be the main protagonist of the anime series as well. Miroku, before losing consciousness for the poison, protect Sango, Kagome and Shippō with a spiritual barrier, while Inuyasha managed to free them from the ogre. After that, Miroku asked if Sango was alright. After restoring Setsuna's seal, Miroku returns to his training. Naraku ist ebenfalls dafür verantwortlich, dass Saigo ihren kleinen Bruder Kohaku verlor und nun, seiner Erinnerungen beraubt, Naraku dient. He reunited with Inuyasha and Kagome when he was, to his surprise, actually performing an exorcism. The threat of dying on his head, he forged under heaven's command in the face of his cruel destiny which was later reverted due to Naraku's death. Rescuing Kagome from Naraku's latest trap, Miroku quickly deduced Naraku's newest incarnation, an Infant, was born of Onigumo's heart; however, it was not Onigumo himself, he was left behind in Mount Hakurei. Most of the series takes place in a fictional version of Japan's Warring States period with occasional time-travel/flashback elements to modern Tokyo or the Heisei period. 62.2 kg Occupation Without this, the spirit is doomed to wander this world, often in a malicious or malevolent form, and further can be taken over by other yōkai to cause more trouble. However, he abandons it once the Wind Tunnel was removed. This may show that Miroku really have more profound feelings for Sango than for other women, and may be his way to show to her that he wants to live forever with her and have a strong connection with her.[4]. He also has a great ability for understanding and an excellent memory. Skin color The Band of Seven (七人隊, Shichinintai) were group of human mercenaries that were killed a long time ago. Ayame (菖(あ)蒲(やめ), "Iris Flower") is the granddaughter of the Northern Yoro Tribe leader, the Wolf elder (Chōrō) as well as Kōga's fiancée and eventual wife. However, Miroku takes this in stride as he knows Shippō should learn how to properly behave; he is more than willing to explain "certain things" Shippō doesn't know about. By the Warring States era, most poor monks carried wooden beads. He would not hesitate to sacrifice himself or put himself on the line for her, as long as she goes on. Male Let’s toss in a mysterious God, a possible extinction, Sesshōmaru’s meddling mother, a war between the lands and a blossoming romance to the mix and you’re bound to have a wild ride. Inuyasha's Final Chapters Get TV Anime Green-Lit (Jul 16, 2009) Voice Actor Toshiyuki Morikawa to Attend Anime Expo (May 28, 2009) N. America's 2007 Anime Market Pegged at … I go by the name Miroku, and yes I am a monk who works to aid the common man. Er war es, der dafür sorgte, dass sich Priesterin Kikyo und Inuyasha entzweiten. She mistook Inuyasha for the village's attacker due to Naraku manipulating her. Miroku and the others fought the demon birds, letting Sango leave to find her younger brother. Along the way they gain friends, battle enemies, and prepare to face their deadliest foe and rival for the Shikon Jewel--Naraku! Miroku dealt damage to the yōkai, forcing it to flee. [5] That being said, running away from someone he feels he's no match against is not something he's shameful about if he feels it's the most reasonable option (Unlike that of Inuyasha, whose pride and stubbornness often causes him to still fight even if the odds are against him). While thinking they were going to die, Miroku heard Sango confess her feelings to him, but was shocked when she forgot moments later. They are often seen talking amongst themselves, usually about Inuyasha and Kagome. Miroku normally wraps the Tekko over the Wind Tunnel, then seals it with his Nenju (rosary). Kagura got so sick of Naraku treating her like a slave she actively colluded with the good guys anyway. Mōryōmaru continued growing in power, becoming just as much as a threat as Naraku. To make things well, he treats people gently or, when required, severely. Kaede informs him that she felt an ominous energy leaving his body, which they assumed was the part of Magatsuhi he absorbed. Inuyasha, Kagome Higurashi, Shippō, Kirara, SangoMushin, Hachiemon Sango and Miroku in a valley, are forced to fight two huge demons porcupine, that put out fighting Sango who was trying in every way to defeat them, in order not to open at Miroku the Wind Tunnel, which he had used earlier, that has under his look of shock, spread scars branched into his body (Miroku however prefer not to say anything to Sango). Miyatsu (Paternal grandfather, deceased)Unnamed father (Deceased)Sango (Wife)Kohaku (Brother-in-law)Unnamed father-in-law (Deceased)Shako (Grandfather-in-law, deceased)[Note 1]Kin'u and Gyokuto (Daughters)Hisui (Son) They live in their own home in Kaede's village where they go on to have three children: twin girls and a recently newborn boy. When they first meet, Miroku asks her to bear his child, and promptly gropes her. They are usually associated with a chant repeating "Amida Nyorai." He supports his family by exorcising yōkai with Inuyasha. On the 800th day of his training, he is visited by Gyokuto and then a displeased Hisui together with Setsuna (whom he recognizes from his travels) and her sister to be guarded at the request of Kohaku, for due to this high spirituality and virtue, he becomes targeted by Tōtetsu of the Four Perils, who has been devouring high monks and priests, but he undoes a strong seal he himself had cast on Setsuna to unlock her inner dog-demon abilities to defeat the beast although he couldn't preclude him from running away. Kōji TsujitaniMakoto Yasumura (Hanyo no Yashahime)Rieko Takahashi (Young)Chiwa Saitō (Young, The Final Act) Their original goal was to track down the demon birds' nests, yet they ended up searching for Saint Hijiri. He decided to travel with them, but not before trying to persuade Kagome into having his child to carry on his family mission to destroy Naraku. After acquiring enough Shikon Jewel shards, Naraku gained the ability to create new demons from his being that are technically his "offspring". Inuyasha and company have finally destroyed Naraku. Sometimes Hachi would transform and even provide as transportation for Miroku and the others. [4], In addition to his intense curiosity, he takes an objective view on things. Come daybreak, they investigated the nearby cave, where the corpses of demons were put under a spell that turned them into Rakan's statues (rakanzo) that attracted other demons. They're caught in an illusion and Miroku watches as Naraku presents the scene of the day his father was sucked into the Wind Tunnel; seeing this unnerves Sango, who doesn't want him to share the same fate. Miroku attempted to suck Hakudōshi into his Wind Tunnel after Naraku disabled Hakudōshi's barrier, but the saimyōshō prevented him from doing so. Much to everyone's surprise, the saimyōshō abandoned Hakudōshi, allowing him to be sucked in; Miroku does not feel satisfied with this, because it is conscious of being just been tapped by Naraku. He can also perform analysis based on only scant information and make accurate guesses that become solid information. He soon proposes to Sango, who accepts without hesitation, becoming his fiancée and probably the mother of his many children, maybe even 20 of them, which is a big number even for their time. I suck at summarys. Age Having not sensed any demonic aura, Miroku began flirting with any woman he could find; however, he instantly detected the "scent of death" from Sango, who wanted to leave and continue the search. Thanks to the intervention of Towa and Setsuna, Moroha was able to wound Tokotsu's reanimated corpse with her enhanced claws after she had applied the blood of her late grandfather Toga to her lips from the rouge that was given to her late paternal human grandmother Lady Izayoi. They hear a rumor about this place in the forest where Hijiri may be, and they set off towards it. With Sesshōmaru's arrival, the battle took a turn for the better as Inuyasha gained the Adamant Barrage from Hōsenki, successfully crippling Naraku. He hides it by groping or caressing her at random or inappropriate times, earning himself a hard slap to the face. His paternal grandfather was cursed by Naraku who, in the past, had fought together many times and each time Naraku appeared to him in a different form. Koji Tsujitani was married to Shippō's Japanese seiyū Kumiko Watanabe from 2012, until his death. Miroku makes further use of his nenju to seal off the Wind Tunnel in his hand, though he ceased using it after the curse had been lifted. Human Spiritual PowersKazaana (Inactive after Naraku's death) She is also the one who tries to urge him towards Sango and to open up about his feelings, though it doesn't really work. Though Kagome is disgusted with Miroku's lechery, womanizing, and perverted actions; she respects his knowledge. They set off and ran into an old couple and two kids who survived an attack from Abi's birds. Soon afterwards, Mōryōmaru betrayed Naraku, having become the vessel for the Infant, along with Hakudōshi and Kagura. Because of the demon birds' attacks, word soon spread of Saint Hijiri, who could protect others from the birds. Miroku and Sango always stand up for Kagome when she and Inuyasha get into a fight. [4], Miroku is very brave, willing to sacrifice his own well-being in order to protect the lives of innocents and those he cares for, as seen when he willingly sucked up many yōkai and saimyōshō to allow Inuyasha to go rescue Kagome and Sango, even though he knew he would be badly poisoned by the saimyōshō. The group was then lead to a stone ogre by Kagura, where the Infant supposedly was; however, it was another of Naraku's traps as he, himself, was there in place of his own heart. Despite this, Miroku does proceed to fall deeply in love with Sango, repeatedly risking his life for her and always making sure she never puts herself in harm's way unnecessarily, admitting he loves her. It was a constant pain when he would suck in any kinds of miasma. However, as Naraku meets his gradual defeat, his Wind Tunnel begins to close before vanishing altogether. Since Miroku is "technically" a Buddhist priest, Sango usually addresses Miroku as hōshi-sama (hōshi means Buddhist priest, and -sama is a respectful honorific), even when he acts disrespectfully, which is reflected in the dub by dryly calling him "Monk.". Shima's father explained the Master of the Lake wants a virgin as his bride, so if she is married to someone else, he'll give up. Blu-ray reviews, news, specs, ratings, screenshots. Everyone except for Shippō, Jaken, and Kohaku (they were ordered to stay behind) confronted Naraku's huge spider body. These exorcisms should not be confused with the work done by the yōkai taijiya Sango. Much to her protests, she tries to climb up to where he is so he'll stop, but he doesn't until all the tentacles are gone. He lost her once she passed a barrier he couldn't, and disappeared. However, he still plans to ensure her survival. Miroku is also not above giving him a sound beating to get his point across. He finds it would be more painful than death. Tears falling, she kisses him as he sleeps, hoping he won't die. After pawning off the spoils of one of his exorcism/robberies, Miroku decide to relax in a hot spring. Soon afterward, word spread of villagers being drained of their blood by yōkai. Though Miyatsu was a powerful monk, he was also a lecherous man; which Naraku used to his advantage. Miroku's robes are quite extravagant and expensive compared to those of most itinerant monks. 四魂の玉を生み出した合体妖怪, Voiced by: Ginzō Matsuo (Japanese); Richard Ian Cox (English), Voiced by: Aya Gomazuru (Kin'u), Hitomi Ueda (Gyokuto) (Japanese); Jillian Michaels (, Voiced by: Toa Yukinari (Japanese); Dawn M. Bennett, Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, explain the fiction more clearly and provide non-fictional perspective, Inuyasha the Movie: Swords of an Honorable Ruler, "Richard Ian Cox Leads Inuyasha: The Final Act's English Dub Cast", "Inuyasha Spinoff Anime Yashahime Adds 3 Cast Members",, "Oh hey, wassup, it's ya boi again, invading your childhood. After being saved from Bone Demons by Sango, Miroku found that his sucking in Naraku's miasma had left him extremely vulnerable to poison, not even being able to handle weaker versions of miasma. Upon hearing about a village of Demon slayers who were also collecting shards of the Shikon Jewel from yōkai that they felled, the group traveled to find their village. Miroku ended up poisoned by saimyōshō in an attempt to permanently kill Naraku that with the Jewel has revived the ogre, and consequently a river of acid inside. He watched as Inuyasha destroyed the ink pot with a jewel shard in it and the painter be consumed by the very paint he desired. Miroku's temper has been shown to arise in both the anime and manga, towards Inuyasha, especially Hachiemon, and on one occasion, he even violently beat up Jaken (An event that left Jaken being terrified of the monk). Kirby Morrow (Original series, HnY Episode 1)Ian James Corlett (Hanyo no Yashahime)Cathy Weseluck (Young) They soon followed after Kagura when Inuyasha caught the scent of blood and miasma. Despite not wanting to, he relents and the two embrace and cling to each other, waiting for death. If Inuyasha is too busy fighting, Miroku is able to be counted on to save and protect Kagome for him. Sango tearfully accepts his proposal and the two are engaged. However, this always fails without question. Looking at Miroku, Sango thinks about how he always risked his life to save her and Kohaku. Naraku made a sudden move by bringing back to life a tree yōkai, named Yōmeiju, able to break through barriers, and ate it. Dazed, Sango tries to get her Hiraikotsu to attack tentacles coming at her, but it was going to be too late, and Miroku is forced to use his Wind Tunnel to protect Sango. When eventually reunited together, Sango tearfully begs him to let her die with him when his Wind Tunnel finally consumes him and Miroku reluctantly relents, embracing her and holding her tightly to him. Following the Sarugami's clue that Naraku had fled in the direction of the Ox-Tiger, Miroku and his companions arrived at Mount Hakurei, a mountain with a purifying barrier so strong, it knocked out weak, evil yōkai and turned a hanyō mortal. In battle, Miroku would sometimes try to tell Inuyasha to not act so hastily (usually he's ignored and Inuyasha finds out the hard way) but other times Miroku's advice really helped Inuyasha fight a tough enemy. No matter where he is, he takes pleasure in the company of beautiful women. In addition to this, Miroku can be considered the fastest human character in the series. Eventually, Naraku beheaded Abi's mother, creating a River of Blood that took them all to the Borderland. After an unfortunate mishap in battle with a Salamander yōkai, where Sango gets possessed and injures Miroku, the two sit down for a talk. Sango's getting dressed to go after Kohaku also, even though Shippō asks and worries about her serious wounds. He had met Sesshōmaru's youngest twin daughter at one point in his travels, and left Takechiyo under the care of Jyūbei. The both of them had this mutual understanding and bond. (Miroku stating in his confession to her that was the problem; his inability to see her as an ordinary woman and more of a comrade, a woman he fought alongside). Kagura was offered a place in their group by Kagome, but decided to take off on her own. 2 years ago, Miroku returned to being a wandering monk to undergo one thousand days of intensive spiritual and holy training, to achieve divine power and enlightenment as a top-level Buddhist monk to compensate for the loss of the Wind Tunnel.
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