ffxv comrades sharp scythe
If you want to be optimal though, keep continuing with the Shuriken for another 3 or so minutes and try to hit 99 Laser Sensors. Your AI friends will be Libertus, Miles, and Elea. You should be doing 9999 damage (or close) per hit as shown in the video. We'll be buying a lot of kW after updating to Comrades 1.2 in order to do this. I recommend not wasting too much MP on Jitterbug here since you'll need the MP to Warp-Strike and do midair steps with Aerial Ace. Note: If you don't see the Quest available from Monica, power the 1,600 kW Power Line leading south to Old Lestallum (A3). BLOCK (SQUARE Button) when it leaps into the sky and then tries to land on you to do a counter and some Blindside damage. Note: If you are playing a newer Comrades version (e.g. After choosing your birthplace, buy a Javelin (500 Gil) from the Weapons Shop to your left and equip it into one of your 4 Weapon Slots (TOUCHPAD > GEAR). Free Mining Bug & Mining for 2 Cactuar Needles (0:51 Video). It's possible to get Ifrit stuck on the stairs (or steps) leading from the main platform you start on down to the lower level. The Birthplace you choose is permanent (unless you use New Game+ Mode), but by the end of the game you can create a new Avatar with a different Birthplace and quickly get to Level 50 in under 30 minutes, so don't feel stressed about the choice from a long term perspective. Killer Wasp. If you're having any hint of trouble with him, refer back to Crafting Goals #2 and #3 and power up your gear. sharp head fin ffxv. If you've powered up all the Power Lines and Stations you can, that means you only need about 100,000-150,000 kW to get to 999,999. We will level all our weapons with Laser Sensors, and also finally remodel the Corsesca into a Dragon Whisker. If you started with 1.2 or the Standalone, you won't need to do any update to continue on. If he's hitting low with the flames, you jump and attack him high. You could level these weapons up higher if you wanted, but you'd be unnecessarily stronger while wasting Gil, mats, and time in the long-run. Also, there's two more Birthplaces, but they won't become available until you complete two optional Level 99 Quests. (Selecting a Birthplace), Descent into Darkness: Supply power to the city's facilities. Then go in and defeat the enemies. Make sure you have your Clarity Shield with you. This quest features a few weapon drops, but the one worth mentioning is the Befouled Blades (Lohengrins) dropped by the Behemoth King as its rare bonus/break drop (horns). I have so many games to get through XD, No problem. With your Level 99 Dragon Whisker and Penetrator X and Penetrator stacked, you'll end the fight in just a minute or two. Meaning, if you used a high EXP item like a Behemoth Incisor to max out the Dragon Whisker to Level 99/99 in Version 1.0, when you update the game to Version 1.2 and get access to Meteorites to increase the Level cap on your Level 99 Dragon Whisker to Level 109, the Weapon will already be at Level 103/109 instead of Level 99/109 due to the rollover EXP of the Behemoth Incisor. Keep hitting the Maniple's leg with your Shuriken until you see a red Inventory Full on the Electrolytic Condenser. Your AI allies (Libertus, Miles, Elea) won't start with any ingredients, but you will. At the depot, barter 5 Dynamo for a Dancing Daggers. I'm only putting it here now with the others because it's part of the 1.0 map content and I want you to be aware of it. If you pick one up and Cid shows up back at camp, this may help your chances in getting his Crafting Boost (Level 3). Then it's some more Magitek enemies and a Daemonwall (no time limit like in FF4). You can also go ahead to each Outpost and Elect Leaders to start earning some donations (collected in Lestallum's Supply Center, on the lowest level). Afterwards, power up the 11,000 kW Power Line nearby to unlock The Rogue's Sigil: Aerial Ace (C6). Glaives on duty. Use a mixture of the SMG (100 Bullets) and the Bazooka (3 Bullets) to mow down most regular enemies. Now, craft/level (not dismantle) your newer Level 50 Clarity Shield with 1 Meteorite (0 EXP). By playing the game online with three other real players and finishing a quest without any ingredients, the game would have him appear. Ifrit will eventually enter the third and final phase when he levitates up in the air with a spiral below him. Just make sure to remember to go back to Aerial Ace after you're done. This walkthrough is compatible with any version of Comrades, from the older FFXV Main Game versions to the newer Standalone release. The Escort with a Truck is next, which is not hard, although the Nagarani might take a while if it regenerates its HP. You must kill all 7 enemies, so help your AI kill the mobs first then the boss. If you can get at least 50% off his HP off, you will have done pretty well. See Crafting Goal #3 for the specific crafting steps if needed. Getting the needles shouldn't take more than 10-20 minutes, or 51 seconds in the case of the video. First (if on 1.0), I highly recommend getting at least 2 weapons filled with Laser Sensors in Crafting Goal #3 so you'll be comfortably strong in doing this quest as it is a little hard. Three waves, first wave are two Deadeyes (these two do not drop the Behemoth Tears), second wave is a group of Havocfangs and then third is Behemoth + Havocfangs. This will give you access to Comrades 1.2 content and let you start earning the Main Game's second set of trophies. In both 1.2 and the Standalone, you won't be able to do the Item Drop Bug so you won't be using any Laser Sensors needed for this goal. Play data will be saved and the game will resume from Lestallum with all Royal Sigils collected. This method is more manual work and you'll get hit a few times, so if you prefer the aerial method, that's still pretty fast and effective. Make sure you always Imbue Penetrator on the Javelin as you remodel it! Reference the Setup section for more details. The Mutant Jabberwock bosses here can do an AoE attack that can turn you and your allies into Stone, but this is just a minor annoyance, as you'll only be frozen for a few seconds (and invulnerable to damage). The final Power Line requires a whopping 50,000 kW, so if you're just short, just head to Old Lestallum and buy more kW. Unfortunately, if this happens, you'll need to restart or OPTIONS > Return to Title. Final Fantasy XV: Comrades Multiplayer Expansion is finally out after a short delay, and after hopping into the new content, one of the first things I noticed is that your character really isn't very strong at first. From the Imperial Shop (nearby the Shuttle Truck), buy 1 Imperial Blades (3,000 Gil) and replace your final Kite Shield with it. Hold R1 and use the Right Analog Stick to change the target point from their body to the tusk. Normally, mining costs 3,000 Gil each time, but if you have less Gil (between 1-2999 Gil), the game's code is bugged and will let you in for free. You'll need to power a Power Line southwest of Old Lestallum to get access to this quest (reference E1 on the map). In order to remodel your Corsesca, you'll probably need to do this quest about 2-3 times to get 3 Octolegs and 3 Monster Jaws. So, please don't waste your time doing this. Remember, the bugs we were exploiting will no longer work when we update, so don't put it off. At any rate, when you get here, you will probably be around Level 17 or so. Also, if you haven't already, equip The Oracle's Sigil: Healing Light into your GEAR before starting this quest, as you'll want the 100% MP for doing Chain Warps. After powering up a few more Power Lines, you'll eventually see a cutscene with a hunter when you return to Lestallum that will ask you to undertake this quest. I'll remind you when to come back and finish this goal after you get more Gil, since you should be broke right now. Make sure you powered up the nearby dead-end path for 5,000 kW x2 = 10,000 kW (A2). Keep up with game news, find Comrades teammates, and chat about all things FFXV/FF15! You can now start to light up the way to the four outposts. You probably didn't buy enough Chrome Bits to level the weapons all the way as asked in this goal. You honestly don't need to waste the 5,000 kW to send power to it until after you've reached Urgent: Ghost in the Machine (D3). If you didn't get it to work, don't worry and just keep repeating the quest and practicing until you've done it a couple times. Note: You can mine all 8 times up until your pickaxe breaks, but you must be quick in exiting before the game auto-saves (which happens a couple seconds once you're back in Meldacio). Then a Defense with Troopers and Flans, which is easy, ending with 2 MA-Veles and 1 MA-X Maniple (break their legs as usual). Noct is terrible against the Behemoth King. Approach the Shuttle Truck and travel to Galdin Quay. The Walkthrough and Post Game Crafting Goals will never assume you have either of them. Also, if you started by playing Comrades Version 1.2 (e.g. Behemoth Tears in Urgent: Double Deadeyes (0:26 Video). You'll also unlock many refugees, schematics, kW rewards, and a new Outpost: Norduscaen Garrison. Important: Whenever an enemy is Vulnerable, Prompto can spam Crackshot about 3 times (keep pressing TRIANGLE when you see Crackshot on the screen) doing massive damage per hit (5000-9999 damage). I simply did a little of the dismantling math in advance (37 Chrome Bits per Weapon = 74 STR), so you get the most bang for your buck. You are actually able to take down the final boss right now without much difficulty with your current Chrome Bit-leveled gear. It is dropped by Magic Pots as their bonus (break) drop. Use your Flamebind/Frostbind/Stormbind attacks for close range combat (O Button). Your MP will be lower compared to the Healing Light Sigil's +100% MP, but that's OK (now you know why I recommended the Insomnia Birthplace!). When you arrive at the Garrison, you should have already unlocked the refugees for it, allowing you to elect the leader. Start by crafting your Level 1 Dancing Daggers, Clarity Shield, and Imperial Blades you just bought with the Laser Sensors. Please note that we will be updating information found in this section regularly. Although Libertus buffs you, his buffs are random. Note: Before starting this quest, go back to Meldacio Hunter HQ. The dismantling and crafting sections will take around 30-60 minutes to complete, so make a backup save in case you make a mistake. Icon to head to Cape Caem. Next, kill the two Level 33 MA-Veles bosses. This one is a little harder than Roboresurrection, but you should be able to handle it at your current level (Level 12 or so). Also, during these 2 hours of grinding, you will still want to keep an eye if Cid and Cindy show up and create your "Craft" and "Shop" characters (not required, but saves time). So Hold SQUARE to block and initiate a Chain Warp. We'll also build out the Clarity Shield to have penta-resistances (resistances to all five elements) for rounding out our character. :), Head to the lighthouse up ahead the hill and attempt to ride the elevator, but there won't be enough power! I recommend three quests for this (depending on your GEAR setup): Proving the "No Ingredient Nest Manager (Kenny)" Method Does Not Work Offline (1:00 Video). Staying in the air will keep you safe from the Hecteyes' laser beams as well; just stay away from the Necromancer. If you attack a Malbodoom near its mouth/teeth area, it may rarely drop a Petrified Disc. It will save you a lot of time, but the battles will be harder, and you may decide you want to do the Crafting Goal after all if it proves to be too difficult. Following the table below, we will be using the old Clarity Shield and Imperial Blades Weapons to Craft (level up) with the mats listed next to it. We won't be using the Kite Shield(s) for very much longer, so it doesn't really matter what mats you use. Created Jul 21, 2012. At some point you'll become very powerful -- too powerful, especially when you get your Level 99 Dragon Whisker. Note: If you have 3,000+ Gil, the Gil will be correctly deducted, so get near-broke on Chrome Bits before doing this, but not totally broke. Buy 1 Clarity Shield (7,030 Gil) from the Weapons Shop and replace one of your remaining Kite Shields with it. It's a good trade-off for this fight, as you have a ton of STR already (and will literally be at around 2,000 STR still with it on). So, let's start with just those three weapons and leave the Corsesca for last so we have some strong gear to equip immediately. Can always ask in the Steam forums too. The minimum chance is always 50%. You can Point-warp (TRIANGLE) and Warp-Strike (R1 + TRIANGLE). Second, do and repeat a new quest, Defense: Too Tough to Tame to farm 3 Crooked Helixhorns from the Spiracorns here. When you need the 2nd Cactuar Needle for Crafting Goal #3, come back and do the Mining again. Once you have the 3 Sharp Scythe and 3 Crooked Helix Horns, head to Cauthess Depot and Barter for a Corsesca. Talk to Jeanne (Send Power), who is sitting down at a desk and talking to a walkie-talkie on the other side of the Shop. Curved Hollowhorn: Dropped by Kujata. Overpower everything with your DW and aerial attacking. Once we've acquired a bunch of Laser Sensors and some Gil from Ghost in the Machine Item Drop Bug, it's time to start our third crafting session. You will need the Gil to get the 999,999 kW trophy and to buy some more mats. Created Jul 21, 2012. When doing this method, you'll probably want to also equip the The Oracle's Sigil: Healing Light to double your MP and further weaken you. I recommend starting with Gladiolus since he is the easiest/strongest to play this quest with. The MA-X Maniple has at least four appendage points you can break (its two legs, gun, and missile launcher), giving you multiple opportunities for Laser Sensors or Electrolytic Condensers each time. You'll fight two Malbodooms in this quest. In order to unlock this Urgent, you must power up one 8,000 kW Power Line near the center of the electrical grid (reference E3). Your final major leg of the storyline is to retrieve the 6 additional Royal Sigils. Once he's "stuck," you can move away and attack him from afar with a bow. To get to the final battle, send power to reach Galdin Quay (D4), the 4th and final Outpost. It's pretty OP for this point in the game. It's not required, but it is a "nice to have" (for bragging purposes). Do not chase after him if he teleports across the area to start shooting fireballs or do his dash charge attack. You won't be able to do the quests until you've completed the game, so we won't consider them for the purposes of this Walkthrough. Note: If you're playing the Standalone and have access to online, make sure you get started on getting the 30% Cid Buff (Crafting Boost Level 3) via the Daily Quest. If you lose the battle, the game will be kind enough to let you restart it immediately. The Drooping Whiskers we'll use to dismantle into shards to get 100% in every resistance, as they give you at least +3% in all resistances (except Shot). If you started by playing a newer Comrades version (1.2 or Standalone) and did the 5-7 Hours of Ghost grinding instead, just buy the 100,000 kW.
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