beauty and the beast mental illness
Clearly, Belle is schizophrenic, and the strain of her efforts to reconcile the ease and luxury of an aristocratic lifestyle with the oppression and social injustice required to perpetuate its existence causes her to experience increasingly vivid hallucinations. Sounds like someone’s bitter about only being awarded the bronze. Magic/hallucinations should follow their own logic and explain most things away. It would have required an army to build and furnish it with the carpets, tapestries, and solid gold toilet seats demanded by the nobility, and could not be done in secret. Go for a walk. But now this makes the “ten years we’ve been rusting…” flawed of course. My life has been a series of rollercoasters, emotionally, physically, … The Disney princess films perform a deeper analysis of issues confronted by society as a whole, as can be seen in Beauty and the Beast. The true target of the article is the pompous narrator. The stereotypes of these conditions are based on real experiences that clients have that are … The two spend the movie jumping through various figurative hoops together, trying to get their spells reversed, and in the process, they fall in love. Way to kick off Disney week. Privacy Policy and Those of us that have to live with that beast though, should not be denied those special moments in a salon that make us feel fabulous! Even after finding out about all of her lies and deceit, however, Rapunzel still feels feelings of guilt and love surrounding Mother Gothel, and it’s written all over her face during the scene where Mother Gothel falls out of the tower and to her death. I know part of it is due to feeling lonely. Brilliant! Also, (c) do the servants age 10 years while turned into furniture, or not? He has lost his love, and his chance at being human … One villager is given a makeover by the Beast’s armoire in a particularly blistering indictment of consumerism — he sees himself swathed head to toe in expensive fabrics and runs screaming from the castle after realizing what he has become. by Nishat • March 25, 2017 . Even though Tiana is technically a frog, she still mentally identifies with her human self, meaning that for all intents and purposes, she’s attracted to an amphibian. Two of the Schneiderian First-Rank Symptoms for diagnosing schizophrenia are voices heard arguing and voices commenting on one’s actions, and both are used to introduce the castle’s servants. Snow White is obsessed with herself, and that’s a telltale sign of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Even innocent social interactions are given potentially sinister undertones, as the opening song has the townspeople expressing concern over Belle’s well being in a way that gets interpreted as judgmental criticism — something does seem odd about Belle, but she is refusing our offer of help. As a topic close to our hearts, and requested by the … Mental Illness and the Family Mental illness affects more than the individual, it also affects their family. Even if the furniture-based staff could wield paintbrushes, would they really have the technology/insight to so aptly guess at his appearance +10 years? Powered by WordPress. We're guessing not even Disney would dispute that one. Only the dullest sort of placid, bovine incuriosity on the part of the villagers could ignore this massive undertaking in their own backyard, especially when idle gossip about local goings-on would be the sole source of entertainment for an isolated backwater like Belle’s “provincial town.”. When the staff asks him what they should do because the castle is under attack he says it doesn’t matter. At the end of the day, the Beast who captured her was not doing so with her permission, it was basic kidnap and then she starts to feel emotions for him which is indeed a classic mental health condition called Stockholm Syndrome. Episode 314: What to Expect When You’re Expecting the Son of God, Episode 657: How We Climbed, or Were Clumb, Episode 656: “Us” is Also the Country that the Poem is About, Episode 655: At the End, There’s Going to be a Portal. ), Or read more from… Featured, Movies, beauty and the beast, class, Disney, disney week, feudalism, stockholm syndrome. By proposing marriage, Gaston is trying to save her from the tragic life of a fallen woman. After a late-night meeting with a hospital director, Gaston makes a charitable donation so that the facility can continue to treat high-risk patients who might otherwise be a danger to themselves and others. One of the newer movies on the list of fairytale remakes, Disney’s Rapunzel came out in 2010. All rights reserved. Belle interprets this as a bribe — made so that her “father” will be committed to a mental institution under false pretenses. Mental Health Mental Wealth: Beauty and the Beast Stress! This is a diagnosis that’s characterized by the constant need to be taken care of, and it usually develops from a bad case of Separation Anxiety Disorder in children – i.e., when Cinderella’s dad dies and leaves her with a demon woman. How the heck did they get us to sympathize with these characters and is it really valid. As much as I love the movie, it’s been a while so I’m going to explain away the reason the villagers never found this place with this…. You’ll find a community that has your back on The Mighty, no matter what health situation you’re going through. In reality, though, the beautiful and intelligent Belle … To put it in modern terms, we start with a nerd and a freak and we end with two really attractive, wealthy people who might as well be prom king and queen. That being said, no one can deny that our favorite animated heirs definitely had their quirks. Unfortunately, Gaston doesn’t realize that he has been swept up in the materialistic frenzy of his surroundings and thinks that physical possessions are the key to achieving his goals. Schizophrenia is a disorder characterized by hallucinations, paranoid delusions, abnormal motor functions, and negative social behaviors. In reality, though, the beautiful and intelligent Belle was forced to stay in an abandoned castle with her kidnapper until she fell in love with him, and fell in love with him she did – though not necessarily of her own accord. Sound off in the comments! This girl spends ample time verbally harassing potential husbands until they leave, talking to her best and only friend (a tiger), and crying on and into various different objects. You know, if “Intervention” featured torches and battering rams, it would be one of my favorite shows. Atelophobia (put literally: the fear of not being good enough) is an anxiety disorder in which someone feels like everything they do is wrong. Firstly, she latches on to the idea of Prince Eric after having seen him a single time, and seems comfortable enough giving up her voice for the opportunity to meet him. She’s too independent for the time she lives in. For Jasmine, this includes things like hopping on a flying carpet with a stranger, running away from home, and stealing an apple like it’s no big deal. Only issue is, she doesn’t fit in there, either, because boobs. Oh, Peter, this article reminds me so much of something I think fenzel said on one of the podcasts about how his friend would engage in an argument with women that Billy Zane was really the hero of Titanic. Mental health is not the kind of issue we’d ever want to make light about – however, it might help sufferers and their caregivers alike to know that some well-loved fictional characters battle their own demons. Mental Health; Spirituality; Travel; Trends; Home & DIY; Search for: Search Search. Without active stewardship, these animals are prone to overpopulating and becoming a nuisance, but his controlled culls of the species are made out to be indiscriminate slaughter. After all, it was the '50s, and women were expected to have few ambitions besides keeping the sink clean and popping out a few kids. Everyone loves those articles that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy about your childhood. In order to exist comfortably within such an unfair system of wealth distribution, Belle would need to stop viewing people as human beings, deserving of rights and dignity, and instead to view them as anthropomorphic objects, visual representations of their material functions within the household. But that isn’t the case this time. My favorite line of the movie was always Gaston saying: “it’s not right for a woman to read. Skip to content. Based primarily off of the disturbing and less-than-child-friendly fairytales of the 1900s (like Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Andersen), these stories were significantly toned down when written into scripts for Disney movies. – Ed.]. Deadlines! Posted on April 28, 2015 by CMeCYou. About 8 million Americans are suffering from an eating disorder and I don’t think we talk about it enough. Check, check, check, check, check, and check. It’s much more likely that it’s a joke. The Beast, as well as the dark, gothic castle decorations that reflect his fearsome visage, has been given a repulsive appearance by Belle’s subconscious because of the innate unfairness of his society. If you want to find any kind of connection to disability or mental illness in the Disney Princess Franchise, you really have to dig deep for it. Heroine Belle has nothing but contempt for working people around her, and longs to escape to the city where she can plot in a cellar with others of her ilk over a candle guttering in an empty wine bottle. This disorder is also thought to originate during childhood, when you’ve got parents who either pamper you all the time or criticize you way too much. Oh and for the magical princess chart, Belle and the Beast’s courtship begins late fall, goes on through the winter and they marry early spring if I remember the scenery correctly. So it has to be more than a month. Although he is a concerned friend trying to help Belle avoid a tragic outcome, her mind ends up twisting his most noble attributes into grotesque caricatures of villainy. Within the castle, servants exhibit behavior that would be troublingly co-dependent and bordering on psychosis if observed in actual humans. Reorganize your room. Beauty over the Beast A blog from a Mommy who loves Makeup. Beast’s wish (with which we’re supposed to identify) is to find some sappy female whose unselfish adoration will free him to return to a life of idyllic uselessness. Research suggests that women are about 40% more likely than men to develop depression at some point in their lifetime. Firstly he urges Maurice (Belle’s father) down the well lit path. Posted on May 1, 2013 by amsaboe. The Beast of Mental Illness 05/16/2012 05:55 pm ET Updated Dec 06, 2017 After countless yards of duct tape, a few bodily injuries, and many false starts, I finally finished him. He becomes literally unbalanced in the pursuit of objects as he grasps for his hunting knife, falling to his doom. Having seen the continual progression of Belle’s mental illness throughout the film, we are left questioning the castle’s final transformation. His stated daily breakfast of five dozen eggs would seem excessive to some, but no doubt provides a steady source of income to at least one enterprising homestead. Without Belle he doesn’t see a point of continuing in life. Posted on April 4, 2019 April 1, 2019. While no one knows for sure what causes Avoidant Personality Disorder, it’s thought to stem partially from early social interactions, “such as how a person interacts in their early development with their family and friends and other children,” which, in this case, would be when Elsa almost kills Anna while they’re playing as children, as well as her parents’ response to the incident. Contact Joel “Certain as the sun Rising in the east Tale as old as time Song as old as rhyme Beauty and the Beast” (Disney, 2017) Recently, I went to see the Disney film Beauty and the Beast, (2017). When depressed, they’re easily agitated, want to be left alone, and feel hopeless. Look at how the candlestick Lumiere declares that they have been “rusting” for ten years while waiting for a chance to serve someone, but the prologue explains that the beast can only break his curse before his twenty-first birthday (which occurs shortly after Belle discovers his castle). Making it a harder task for the Beast to find someone to love him? You know the types – the nostalgic ones that remind you how much you loved watching your Saturday cartoons, how badly you wanted neon inflatable everything, and how dope your Milky Pen collection was. Cat, your observation regarding the Beast’s portrait only adds weight to my argument that the events in the Beast’s castle are only unfolding in Belle’s (swiftly deteriorating) mind. Its L.Neil Smith blog (Sci-fi author, but mostly a way for him to pass his ideology), I forgot that the article was more engrossing than that,, [was particularly put off by the unmistakable bias of Beauty and the Beast against the productive class, favoring parasitic aristocrats and their intellectual bodyguard. I really like almost all the pieces I read on Overthinking It, but this might be my favorite article so far. You do have an angle, but yeah…no. Mother Gothel, the woman who kidnapped Rapunzel when she was a baby, is exceptionally passive aggressive and emotionally abusive toward her adopted daughter (making it quite clear that she only values her for her magical hair). A tale that has a euphoric happy ending. (The song “Human Again,” in which the staff reveals their desire to return to human form, was cut from the film’s theatrical release, further reinforcing the interpretation that they never were, and are never intended to be, seen as human beings.). That being said, if anyone’s got it, it’s Alice. Now that she is alone and cut off from contact with the outside world, has Belle really broken the curse of an evil enchantress? It normally develops in late childhood or teen years, which explains Merida’s emotional separation from her parents as she gets older. All of these issues begin to make sense when we realize that the “enchantress” is in fact Belle’s own super-ego, attempting to show her the high moral costs of maintaining the opulent lifestyle enjoyed by the aristocracy. ! Even when Belle’s arrival doubles the size of the castle’s aristocracy, the ratio of commoners to elites is still well above 50:1. It’s always important to note that hearing voices happens in a very specific way in psychosis! I need to think this over a bit more. France during the vague era of Medieval/renaissance/18th century had way better intervention than nowaday, I remember seeing some small text on an arch-libertarian blog with a similiar thesis (although much less self-aware) about how Beauty and the Beast endorse Aristocracy while Gaston is the only likeable figure. He’s the talk of the town, something to be feared. Let’s be real here. Beauty And Its Beast. Since I was about 13 I have struggled with chronic/situational depression and moderate to severe anxiety. Elsa from the newest hit Disney movie Frozen spends the entire first half of the movie attempting to “conceal” – both her emotions and herself. It is no accident that the Beast has no parents and is never given a name in the movie — as the focal point of the castle’s transformation, he is more than just an individual; he is representative of the entire class system that enslaves the many for the benefit of a select few. During their sessions, a lot of patients were labelled with … This girl’s jumping on couches, stuffing chocolate in her face, tripping over everything, getting excited over things like windows and salad plates, talking way too quickly, and accepting a proposal from a dude she met roughly three hours prior. He’s wrongfully imprisoned in Malificent’s castle because serving his master took him to the wrong place at the wrong time. He’s monstrous, uncivilized, a bit peculiar. Some of them are waylaid because they focus on individual baubles, but all are disoriented and overpowered by the knicknacks of the ruling class in the grip of a materialistic frenzy. Another Disney favorite, another confused kidnappee. Imagine this: you’re wandering through the forest on your birthday, so you’re in a particularly good mood. It also explains the transformation from nerd to prom queen; as our perspective shifts from outside observers to particpants engaging with Belle’s delusions, she becomes less of an outcast and more a member of the popular clique. And who would have painted it? Then when Maurice is captured he’s the one who finds Belle to bring her to the castle. I often use … It doesn’t make sense — what else is new? Lumiere moans that “life is so unnerving for a servant who’s not serving” during a musical number in which hundreds of (presumably sentient) dishes and serving vessels put on a show for an audience of one. Yeah, it could’ve been the cursed spinning wheel, but it also could’ve been Major Depressive Disorder, which manifests itself in zero motivation, positively no energy for friends, work, hobbies, or people, and sometimes something called hypersomnia: excessive sleeping almost every single day. Blame it on the fact that this girl was locked in a castle her whole life, but Anna from Frozen is quite literally bouncing off the walls by song number one. (These voices are originally heard by Belle’s father, but because he is the gateway leading to her to experience the delusions, it is questionable whether he exists at all.) Ariel’s an odd duck, and The Little Mermaid is pretty transparent about that. What if, though, Merida’s avoidance of males had less to do with her feminine strength and more to do with Antisocial Personality Disorder? Horses are the under-appreciated heroes in a lot of Disney movies. Very interesting interpretation but I could have done without the first paragraph’s negativity. However, she also clearly had a bad case of Stockholm Syndrome, which is a disorder and coping mechanism in which a person who is held hostage or kidnapped starts to feel emotionally bonded to his or her captor. They affect so many people in such a variety of ways. She also has a bad case of Disposophobia – a fear of getting rid of things, or compulsive hoarding, which sometimes accompanies OCPD. Unrealistic images of how a body “should” look permeate all forms of media. While Pocahontas was way up there on the list of badass Disney princesses, maybe there was a tiny mental disorder lurking beneath the surface. When manic, people with bipolar disorder are often impulsive, likely to indulge in risky behavior, and don’t consider the consequences before they do things. Her best friend was also a talking magical tree, so if that’s not theatrical, we’re not sure what is. This one was based loosely on the Brothers Grimm fairy tale, though in the Disney version, Tiana herself turns into a frog when she kisses the prince – also a frog. No, I’m not talking about watching the movie over and over again until you feel better. The Beauty in the Beast. Those with OCPD are often content with being silent and stiff in social situations, since they’re afraid they’ll say the wrong thing. It was based off of the German Grimm fairytale, and audiences really liked how spunky, original, intentionally flawed, and not-helpless this heroine was. He mopes around doing absolutely nothing. These girls were faced with some seriously crappy situations, so it would make perfect sense that a few of them – scratch that, basically all of them – developed some kind of mental disorder. You know the types – the nostalgic ones that remind you how much you loved watching your Saturday cartoons, h. Everyone loves those articles that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy about your childhood. Imani September 10th, 2015 . Was he an infant when magicked, or did the teapot give birth to a cup in some horrendous anatomical nightmare? His servants are transformed into houseware — clocks, teapots, candlesticks — I thought upper-class Brits were cruel, referring to their housekeepers as “Mrs. — but the left loves royalty. Every time he is mentioned, everyone is ready to jeer. Treatment: * Cognitive Theraphy: Teach healthy It’s easy for me to write when I am in a stable place emotionally. That text sounds either super hilarious or super depressing. After her parents’ death, she hides away in her room of the castle. The beginning is based off of BatB stories we found online and the end is most of what we remembered from the movie. Posted Dec 04, 2016 While we’re all supposed to believe that Alice finds a portal into a magical fantastic world (specifically all the little children who would rather hallucinate than learn their history lessons), it’s also possible that she’s suffering from schizophrenia. Which to me highlights how important it is to have a good support system in place. Change! The film costarred Rhett Giles and Vanessa Gray. It loves the Beast, cursed not just for rejecting a panhandler, but for doing it rudely. This one’s characterized by a failure to conform to social norms, disregard for other people’s rights, a tendency to bend all the rules, and a tendency to lie. Basically, Tiana’s turned on by an animal. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. That’s because someone with BPS usually has a huge fear of abandonment, and as a result ends up having really unstable relationships with the people around them. Disabilities and mental illness are all around us. Soon they start getting ideas, and thinking…” This may say a lot as to why Belle is viewed as odd. Yeah. Terms of Service apply. This painting shows a Degas ballerina dancer in front of a picture of a building I took from Fairfield Hills in Newtown, CT. I’ve always considered Philipe the horse to be the true hero of the disney movie. ]. Home; About; Social Media; mental illness My life with Anxiety and Depression. Thank you! On top of all that, she’s really easily agitated by the people around her (like Herc, Pegasus, Phil, Hades – yeah, pretty much everyone). (Open pitches for guest articles are currently closed. July 9, 2015 ~ brittin90210 ~ 3 Comments. Thing”. The townspeople are assaulted by the trappings of wealth as they enter the Beast’s castle. Because of these feelings of inadequacy, someone with this disorder often feels like an outcast in society. Maurice of Beauty and the Beast, Jafar of Aladdin, and Mrs Jumbo of Dumbo); there were no significant (P > 0.10) sex differences. Consider Samson, faithful steed of Prince Philip in Sleeping Beauty. Mental Health Mental Wealth: Beauty and the Beast Why do market leaders such as The Conference Board of Canada & Mental Health Commission engage Twitchy, a man living with Tourette Syndrome to speak at their conferences? … From cartoons to beloved children’s books heroes, some of our nearest and dearest heroes have their own set of imbalances. Love the specificity of the first-rank psychotic symptoms! Note: This was written by me and a friend for a psychology project. I’m Turning The Crank! That doesn’t mean, however, that the dark themes disappeared entirely. **** FILM SPOILERS **** Jonathan is joined by friend and colleague Dr. Emma Kate Wright to discuss the psychology of Beauty and the Beast. [Whaddaya think, Overthinkers? We know that Gaston is an avid conservationist because his preferred trophies (antlers) come from male deer.
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